I like to give credit where it is
due, as well as receive it when it is due me (don't we all?)
If you want to use content from
my site, read the Terms of Use section. If you want to see the giants upon
whose shoulders my site stands, see the Credits section.
Terms of Use
All images in the Heraldry section of my site
not outlined, as well as ALL those in my Art section were created by me. I retain the copyright
for all images that I have created, if for no other reason
than to prevent someone else from taking it and claiming a copyright on my
work. Anyone wishing to use the images of mine are free to use them under
the following conditions:
Contact me via my guestbook to notify me of
your use of my material and for what purpose (just so I will know). If
you are using it on the 'net, please include the URL. I may want to link
back to it.
Where possible you will give credit for the
production of the image (e.g., copyright notice or other credit to me) as
appropriate for the media (e.g., on a web page, link to my site, if used in a
pamphlet or brochure a simple credit where appropriate). In some
circumstances, you may not want to put any © symbol or something else (such
as printing a picture for framing or putting on a mug or shirt, etc.)
That is fine, but under no circumstances is anyone allowed to claim this
work as their own. Also, under no circumstances is the use of my
work to be construed as if I necessarily approve of a person, their position,
or how they use my work. Use of my work by another party is not to be
construed as an endorsement of that person or what they stand for.
All TEXTUAL content on this site
is my work (unless quoted or footnoted). I retain the copyright for all my
text, if for no other reason
than to prevent someone else from taking it and claiming a copyright on it. Anyone wishing to
quote material from this site is free to do so, assuming you can meet the
conditions laid out for images.
Original Frontpage template (style sheet, layout) from
Round the Bend Wizards.
I changed the styelsheet; replaced all the graphics with my
own; reworked the page structure to work with my own scripts; I
hacked it into so many pieces
that there is very little of the original left, so I didn't
feel bound to give them credit on the footer of each page.
The template that I used to start with can be viewed
The GenealogyJ-MDI section and content includes derivative
content from the GenealogyJ
Heraldry section includes artwork from Free
Coats of Arms
Some heraldry artwork is based on or uses clipart from
Free Heraldry Clipart
All newer heraldry artwork is done using the
Armorial Gold
clipart that I purchased in the summer (2006).
I removed all the frame stuff, cool-bar script, etc., so
those credits have been removed. All scripts, etc., were
written by me, except the RSS JavaScript parser. You are free to use my page layout, sidebar
and tree.js script if you abide by the
GNU Public
The JavaScript parser is based on
this article from XML.com, although I had to modify it
slightly to get it to work on Comcast's server, and added
try/catch error handling to it.